Click here to download the Sunday Light message:  – 260921- (LORD, ARE THERE FEW THAT BE SAVED)                                                    SUNDAY LIGHT (26/09/21)                            Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic:   LORD, ARE THERE FEW THAT BE SAVED?             Text:           13:22-30 Because of the development being interested globally, and the Lord’s schedule for the Movement, we are refocusing on the Sunday Light messages that moulded the Church. We thank God for the life of the Lord Jesus on earth. He was sent so that, through all things that would take place in His life lost mankind could cease to be in ignorance as to what to know and do to be saved (cp. Jn. 8:12; 12:46). Today, we spot Him on His way to Jerusalem through the cities and villages giving out the truth of God as He went. The particular incident we are reviewing and learning from is a time of question and answer as to whether it is only a few that would be saved. In answering the question, the Lord pointed His audience to the following aspects of eternal truth which we shall explore in this teaching viz:- (1) Striving to enter (Lk. 13:24) (2) Shutting of the door (Lk. 13:25) (3) Confession of the lost AND THE REJECTION OF THE LORD (Lk. 13:26-27) (4) The cry of the damned (Lk. 13:28) (5) The number and order of the saved (Lk. 13:29-30)
  1. STRIVING TO ENTER (Lk. 13:24)
When a person is enjoined to strive to accomplish a task, it is because that task will not be easily accomplished. The Lord knew that entering into the kingdom of God, at last, is a task that will not be easily accomplished, hence He enjoined His followers to strive to enter (cp. Matt. 11:12). This is because of the following two major reasons:- (a) The Way And The Gate Are Narrow (vs 24 cp. Matt. 7:13-14) The picture of a narrow way and gate that the Lord painted has some lessons to teach. Firstly, such a way and gate cannot be used by those who love ease or convenience because such routes have no convenience to give. Secondly, a narrow route cannot be used by those who have careless lives because they will surely stumble into the bush (Exo.23:2, Lev.11:44, Matt.7:13-14) (b) Many Seeking To Enter, But Unable To Enter (vs 24) We can see the picture of what the Lord was saying as we reflect on many seeking to enter higher institutions of learning, places of fanfare, etc; but are not able to. They are not able because of the hindrances in their ways which they are unable to scale hence their unacceptable fruit (Matt.7:13,14,15,18-20, 13:3-9) If anyone must enter, the same must really endeavour with a steady effort to do so. (Lk. 13:24 cp. Matt. 11:12). This entails living out the life of a disciple irrespective of the prevailing circumstances (Matt.5:13-14; 12:35-37; Mk.16:15-16; Jn.20:21; 1Cor.9:16).
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