Click here to download the Weekly Bible Study message:  – 290821…- (THE SIGNS OF THE IMMINENCE OF RAPTURE)  PART 7                                                  Weekly Bible Study (29/08/13)                                Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic:            THE SIGNS OF HIS COMING AND OF THE END OF THE WORLD (Part 7):                                           AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH Texts:                        Matt. 24:36-39, 2 Peter 2:4-5 INTRODUCTION: In our studies so far, we have generally considered teachings on the RAPTURE and GREAT TRIBULATION PERIOD (excluding the interim judgment that would be specifically brought upon those that will take the mark of the Antichrist, etc); in this study, we shall focus on one of the illustrations given by our Lord Jesus Christ to describe the pattern of events at the end of the age.  The message shall be coming under the following points: (1). The Marks Of Noah’s Days and (2). The Ministration Of The Preacher.
  1. The Mark Of Noah’s Days (Gen. 6:1-5, 11-13; Matt. 24:37-38)
 The holy scriptures reveal that Noah’s days were adorned with the following evils: i.  Love of pleasure, wide-scale involvement in immorality and ungodly yoking (Gen. 6:1-2, 4). It was an era given to the enjoyment of lustful pleasures, wantonness and chambering (cons. Jas. 5:5; 2Pt. 2:18; Rms. 13:13; 2Cor. 6:14-16).  There might have also been unnatural sin (cons. Rms. 1:24-28). Today, the believer is seriously warned against immorality which devastates like wildfire (cons Pro. 6:20-29; 32, 33, 7:6-10, 21-22, 1Cor . 6:15-18). ii. High traffic or turnover in marriage activities. The allusion of “marriage and giving in marriage” by Jesus did not only suggest passiveness of the people as they engaged in marriage, but more of proactiveness and amercement in marriage activities, leading to nonchalance to all warnings.  There might have been a lot of divorce and remarriage as we are seeing today in the entertainment industry, business circles and religious arena.  And such events of course will lead to the harvesting of wayward or untempered children who hold no values in life and by implication a rise in the societal crime rate (cons. Pro. 22:6, 15; Eph. 6:4). iii.  Violence was the order of the day (Gen. 6:5, 11, 13). Oppression, bloodletting and hatred which God hates, normally go along with violence (cons. Gen. 4:8-10; Mic. 2:1-3; cp. Matt. 5:21-22).  And like Noah’s days, today’s society is studded with violence, robberies, murders, abortions, oppression, rape, etc.  There is severe depreciation of the value of life as very minor problems end in colossal loss of lives everywhere.  We are evidently at the brink of the Church age.
  1. The Ministration Of The Preacher (Gen. 6:8-9; 2Pt. 2:4-5).
The book of Genesis, though silent in the proactive role played by Noah during his time, revealed that he was a JUST man and was PERFECT (Gen. 6:8-9).  The word ‘Just’ means righteous.  By ‘Perfect’ (which was translated from the Hebrews word tamiym, pronounced Taw-meem, means ‘integrity without blemish or spot, upright, undefiled’), there was nothing in outward activities or inward disposition that was odious to God.  His thoughts and actions were pleasing to God. He was sensitive to the voice of the conscience and so pleased God in his generation (cp. Act. 24:16; Rms. 2:15; 1Tim. 1:19; 2Tim. 1:3; 1Pt. 3:14-16). He was called a preacher (ie. A herald of divine truth) by Apostle Peter, therefore, he must have made a great effort to positively affect his neighbours by speech and action (2Pt. 2:5 cp. 1Tim. 4:12). And such is the habit of righteous men (cp. 2Pt. 2:6-8). Every believer living in this period of time is expected to be a Noah in his neighbourhood preaching by precept and practice and publicly identifying with the Lord’s project (cp. Gen. 6:13-14, 17; Lk. 12:9; 1Cor. 9:16; Phil. 1:21; 2Tim. 1:13-14; 2:2; 3:14; 4:1-2). What kind of ministration are you rendering in your neighbourhood?  Is it for or against Christ?  It is currently as in the days of Noah! Let’s rise up to pray.               Fellowship Song: (HSCF 258)    
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