Click here to download the Weekly Bible Study message:  – 091221…- (THE SIGNS OF THE IMMINENCE OF RAPTURE)  PART 6B                                         Weekly Bible Study (09/12/21, 16/12/21)                             Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic:    THE SIGNS OF HIS COMING AND OF THE END OF THE WORLD:                THE GREAT TRIBULATION (Part 6b) Text: 24:15-28 INTRODUCTION: In the previous studies, we established the fact that we are at the terminal part of the Church age which will be concluded with the catching away of the saints (body of Christ) which event is called the RAPTURE – a theological terminology (1Thess. 4:15-17). And that this exit of the Church will pave the way for the manifestation of the man of sin whose coming is after the working of Satan, called the Antichrist. (2Thess 2:3-9). That this diabolical advent harmonizes with the beginning of a harrowingly strangulating period of extreme distress that will come upon people on earth called the GREAT TRIBULATION period. (Jer. 30:4-7; Joel 2:30,31; Matt.24:21-22). We clarified the fact that the great tribulation is not for the Church, which shall be with Christ for the purpose of the marriage supper (cp. 1Thess. 1:10; 5:9; Rev. 19:7-9), but rather for the ungodly rebellious world (Rev. 6:16-17; 11:16-18; 16:19 ). We shall continue with the characteristics or features of the Great Tribulation under the following subheadings: (A) The Agonizing Flurry Of Disasters (B) The Alarming Escalation Of Demonic Activities (C) The Attitude Expected Of The Believer. (A) THE AGONIZING FLURRY OF DISASTERS Having treated in part 6 the horrific experiences that the Antichrist will dispense to uncooperative believers who missed the rapture, and subsequently to the nation, Israel; it is necessary to inform all that other misfortunes are in the package for all peoples that would dwell on earth during the Great Tribulation period (cons. Matt. 11:15; 13:9). The Lord Jesus in Mt. Olivet discourse revealed that the period shall be marked by extreme anxiety, and fear of the future (Lk. 21:25-26). And Apostle John’s revelation which is an amplification of the Lord’s Olivet discourse reveals the various factors that will cause fear and agony. viz warfare and blood bath, famine, death (Rev. 6:1-7), great earthquakes, darkening of the sources of Light, unfathomable asteroidal collisions (Rev. 6:12-16; Lk. 21:11; Rev. 8:8,10; Matt. 24:29). And while these are on, more will be yet to come (Rev. 8:13). (B) THE ALARMING ESCALATION OF DEMONIC ACTIVITIES Unprecedented demonic activities on the planet shall be a prominent feature of the tribulation period. These devils shall torture and terrorize men such that victims would prefer to die, but death won’t readily come (Rev. 9:1-10). They would engineer disasters that will cause sorrow and miserable deaths during a phase of that period (Rev. 9:12-19). They would influence men to remain stubborn, bitter and impenitent in the midst of their sufferings (cons. Rev. 9:20-21). Peace of the mind shall be very precious in that period (Isa. 48:22; 57:21). This demonic season shall be climaxed with the exacerbation of Satan’s earthly activities, having realized that his time is short (Rev. 12:12; cp. Matt. 8:28-29). ( C ) THE ATTITUDE EXPECTED OF THE BELIEVER The right-living and heaven conscious believer is not expected to live in fear and trepidation of the present-day events but rather to live with joy and caution (Lk. 21:28-30, 34-36; Matt. 24:36-39, 42-44; Acts 24:16; Heb. 3:12-13; 10:24-25). The believer should ensure that he is always right with God and at peace with men (Acts 24:16). The believer must ensure that his heart is free from the entanglements and pollution of this life (cons. Ps. 119:9,11; Prov. 4:23; Matt. 5:8; cp Mk. 4:18,19), forgiving offenders (Mk. 11:25-26; Matt. 6:9,12) and rather allowing others to defraud him than to be a source of scandal to the name of the Lord (1Cor. 6:7). The student should not stain himself with the mire of dishonest practices. The employee should ensure that he is not cheating his employer and vice versa. The married should ensure that his legitimate relationship is always stable, meeting obligations to his spouse. And all in the house of God should be eagerly anticipating the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13). Are you really expecting Him? Let’s rise up to pray. Fellowship Song: (HSCF 260)
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