Click here to download the Sunday Light message:  – 200322- (THE PLACE OF FORGIVENESS IN THE PILGRIM’S LIFE)                                               SUNDAY LIGHT (20/03/22; 27/03/22)                               Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic:             THE PLACE OF FORGIVENESS IN THE PILGRIM’S LIFE Texts:             Pro.11:17; Mk.11:23-26; Lk. 23:27-37

The place of forgiveness cannot be overemphasized in the kingdom of God. We dwell in a world where offences are bound to occur, and it is the prerogative of the believer to ensure that no offence is nurtured in his heart (cons. Prov.4:23; Matt.18:7,15; Rom.14:13).

The injured or wounded heart can be very nasty (Pro.18:14,19; cp. 2Sam.13:23-29; Jer.17:9). It must be noted that unforgiveness carries tremendous negative energy that transcends all planes of human existence: spirit, soul and physical body. It pollutes the spirit realm (Heb.12:15); chokes off joy and breeds depression, worry, personal relational conflicts; elevates blood pressure, decreases the immune response, increases the incidence of cancer and other debilitating diseases like arthritis, heart failure, asthma, etc. The incontestable place of forgiveness can be seen in the Lord’s injunction on forgiveness while exposing the incredible power of faith (Mk.11;23-26; cons Matt.6:12); and as among His last words at the cross of Calvary (Lk.23:34; cp. Acts 7:60).

We shall look at 2 points: (A) Forgiveness Described (B) Forgiveness in Practice


‘Forgive’ was translated from the Greek word Aphiemi which means To send forth’,’ To let go’, ‘To give up a debt’, ‘keep no longer’, ‘lay aside’, ‘yield up’. So forgiveness is a state of “aphiemi”…. Wikipedia defined it thus: Forgiveness in the psychological sense is the intentional and voluntary process by which one who may initially feel victimized undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding a given offence and overcomes negative emotions such as resentment and vengeance 

Forgiveness is about making the situation as if the offence never occurred.  Letting go the anger and resentment (Eph.4:21). However, it is not just about forgetting the past or possessing positive feelings or letting time heal the wound, accepting what happened; justification of the offender or tolerance, etc. So, forgiveness is not about just erasing the past or forgetting what happened but rather letting go of the resentment and pain, and choosing to learn from the incident and move on with life. True forgiveness restores fellowship with the offender and creates a new beginning in the works: all penalties and prior offences are expunged. However, it DOES NOT mandate continued fellowship or relationship with an erring or impudent character (1Thess.5:22; 1Cor.15:33; cp. 1Cor.5:11; Pro.22:24,25; 19:27; 9:6)

Forgiveness is in the interest of the expresser, as an angry man is sick and one in resentment is stuck in the prison of his past. (cons. Pro.11:17; Jn.8:32).


It is one thing to preach and prescribe to others, and another to practice. Human nature resists the message of forgiveness and so a pilgrim needs to know the secrets of leading a life of perpetual forgiveness.

i.  Know what forgiveness is, and the necessity (Jn.8:32) ii.  Acknowledge the need in your life to do so – Don’t be an ostrich (Jn.9: 41) iii. Address your pain/offence (Pro.28:13) iv.  Empathize with the offender, considering how you would have loved to be treated had you been the offender (Matt.7:12). v.   Appreciate the service of the ‘injury’ (Rom.8:28). vi.  Excuse the offender as the Lord Jesus taught (Lk.23:34; Acts 7:60). vii. Consider that your act of mercy to offenders determines the divine forgiveness that you will enjoy (Matt.6:12).

There are numerous blessings for forgiveness. In the interim, apart from letting go of a painful past, there are health benefits like aiding to overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, rage and personal relational conflict; lowering of heart rate and blood pressure, and overall stress relief; diminishing the experience of stress and restoring positive thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

Forgiveness of offenders is a prerequisite for enjoying divine forgiveness and the benefits.

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