Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 010722- (JAMMING THE JUGULAR CHOKE-HOLD)                           WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                           FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLWOSHIP (JULY EDITION) Day 1 Theme:          JAMMING THE JUGULAR CHOKE-HOLD Texts:             Exo.1:8-12; 3:7-10; 12:12-14,29-36

Welcome to the 7th month of the year of Episodes of Joy touching Episodes of Joy; carrying the divine order stating “it shall be alright”.  We have been witnessing the manifestations of these words of authority, as testimonies soar in the fellowships. The Lord is confirming His word (Num.23:19; Ps.12:6; Zech.1:6; Matt.24:25; Mk.16:20).

Our theme is a little technical consisting of the word “Jamming”, and the phrase: “Jugular choke-hold”. Let’s explain it through definitions of interest.

The New Webster’s defines “Jam” as (i) To force (a body) to enter a confined or small space (ii) To bruise by crushing in between 2 solid objects (iii) To force or push (iv) To block or impede the movement of by crowding, etc (v) (Radio) To interfere with reception by superimposing signals in the transmitting wavelength (vi) To become immovable fixed or wedged.

So “Jamming” is all about arresting, or restricting; crushing and freezing; pushing away; blocking or interfering and neutralizing the effects or activities of…..

‘Jugular Choke-hold’ (in martial arts) is a term for strangulation through compressing the jugular vein (and carotid artery) leading to interference of blood circulation to the brain, thereby causing cerebral ischemia and a temporary hypoxic condition.

In the context of our message, it is about things strangulating people, which are of three (3) classes viz (a) Jugular Choke-hold of demonic strongholds (b) Jugular Choke-hold of diabolical people (c) Jugular Choke-hold of divine judgment,

Today, we shall look at THE CHOKE-HOLD OF DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS (Eph.6:11-13; 2Cor,10:2,4)

The devils are very intelligent beings that use strategies to deny men freedom. One of the strategies is to falsify or trivialize truths or spiritual facts (Gen.3:1-7, Isa.5:13; Jer.8:7; Jn.8:12). The existence of demonic strongholds is one of the jeers of today, yet it is real and many are strangulated by it. So the source of the stronghold is the kingdom of darkness. Let’s look at the causes and cure.

A.  CAUSE: There are 2 categories of causes i.    Ancestral Connection: Here forefathers/parents went into covenants with fallen angels whose effects linger through their generations. Just as off-springs enjoy the inheritance of fathers, so do liabilities devolve until awareness is received to terminate the yoke (1Chro.4:9,10; Ps.119:105, Isa.10:27; Jn.9:41). These spirits are eternal in durability, possessing memories that don’t fade; and are willing to abide in any family that invites them to endless generations (Ex.20:5). They don’t have divine authority (Ps.24:1; 115:16) but work by permission of the susceptible or gullible. (Jn.8:7; Isa.49:24; Josh.24:15; Rom.6:16). ii.   Auto-induced activities: Here, men open themselves up wittingly or unwittingly to the invasion of demons (Lk.11:24-26; Eccl.10:8, Prov.6:27). This is obtainable in participation in magical arts, séances, palm-reading, fortune telling, necromancy, Ouija board use, horoscope; submission to the ministration of false preachers/prophets, and in fake prayer houses, chronic involvement in immoral acts: pornography; use of psychedelic drugs, and other hallucinogens; unnatural sin: LGBT

iii.  CURE This is the jamming of the stronghold. It is by the following acts:       i.   Acknowledgement of the existence of condition/stronghold (Jn.9:41)      ii.  Admitting and repenting of the wrongs done by family (cons. Dan.9:4-14). This neutralizes the                 basis of the curse and the associated consequences (Pro.28:13; Cp. 26:2).     iii.  Applying the word of God in faith, which is the instrument of freedom (Jn.8:12; Mk.11:23; cp.                   Exek.18:1-4; 2Cor.5:17; Gal3:13)    iv.  Adopting the assistance of true servants of God. (Isa.10:27, Isa.61:1-3)

The Lord Jesus derobed (of the stolen authority) and disgraced the Devil through His death and resurrection; so devils don’t have any authority to interfere with your peace (Col.2:15; cp. Lk.4:6; Dan.4:17,25).

Therefore, whosoever is being strangulated by devils and does the recommended, shall enjoy the crashing of the choke-hold.

Let us rise up to pray.

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