Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 020722- (JAMMING THE JUGULAR CHOKE-HOLD)                  WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLWOSHIP (JULY 2022 EDITION) Day 2 Theme:          JAMMING THE JUGULAR CHOKE-HOLD Texts:            Exo.1:8-12; 3:7-10; 12:12-14,29-36 In our preceding message, we described our technically oriented theme as ‘Arresting and restricting, crushing and freezing, pushing away; blocking or interfering with, and neutralizing the strangulations of life caused by devils and men, or placed by God as a matter of retribution. We honed in on those caused by devils due to ancestral activities/covenants or auto-inflicted from dirty debasing immoral habits; participation in séances; submission to the authority of possessed ministers; use of hallucinogens; involvement in unnatural sins. LGBT. We concluded with jamming the stronghold through: Acknowledgement of its existence; Admitting and repenting of wrongs done; Applying The Word of God; Adopting the assistance of true servants of God. Our message today is: Topic: JAMMING THE JUGULAR CHOKE-HOLD OF DIABOLIC PEOPLE Text:   Acts 8:5-13 Since the garden of Eden phenomenon, Satan has ever been available to interested men to equip them with occult knowledge with which to enjoy some superiority over natural men, to the damnation of the souls. The Bible records such men that practiced sorcery like Nimrod (Gen.10:9), Egyptian mystics (Ex.7:8-12,22, 8:17-19), Babylonians (Isa.47:1,9,12-13), Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:9-13), Elymas (Acts 13:6-12). There is Religious sorcery and drugs (Gal.5:20, Rev.18:23); there are also those that are possessed with clairvoyant spirits (Acts 16:16-18, Rev.2:20-22). Should avaricious persons who hold responsible offices, unto whom the resources of the public are committed, who choose to feed fat on such and impoverish the masses, not be counted as diabolic persons holding people in jugular choke-hold? (2Sam.23:3 cp. Prov.11:26). The manifestation of the strangulation varies, depending on the associated agent: from maladies (physical) to mental conditions; misunderstandings in marriages, and separation, misfortunes, miscarriages and mortalities, destructive habits and additions, impoverishment (spiritual inclusive). The mode of freedom is by divine intervention which necessitates the following:          i.   Ensure that the oppressor holds no legitimate accusation against you (Prov.26:2, Matt.5:25-26)               Otherwise make restitution.         ii.   Engage the Lord in battle making reference to His word and promises (Gen.22:17, Ex.23:20-                    22, 25-27, Ps.110:2, 125:3, Isa.31:3, Jer.1:12)         iii.  Express your faith through making decrees and declarations (Jos.10:12, Job 22:21,27,                             Mk.11:23)         iv.  Entrench your faith through confession of your identity and God’s promises (Rom.10:10).What                 you say takes hold of your soul/consciousness. Faith is a potent vehicle of freedom. Since Satan lost the authority he craftily secured (through the deceit of man at Eden), much more do his emissaries lack authority to function over children of the Kingdom (cons. Lk.4:6; Col.2:15, Matt.28:18,19). The citizen of God’s kingdom must detest self-pity, murmuring, obstinate disposition or foolish questioning or comments to the Lord when challenged. He must appreciate that the Lord knew about his present challenge before his salvation and reception into citizenship of the kingdom (Isa.49:5, Acts 15:18). The citizen of the kingdom must learn to praise and worship after doing the required (ie prayer/supplication) as the attitude of thanksgiving at challenging times is most profitable (Acts.16:22-26, Phil.4:6; Ps.67:5,6). Who then is there that is being strangulated or suffocated by adversaries? Let us lift up our voices and call upon the Name of the Lord (Jn.16:21-24; Mt.18:18,19; Prov.18:10; Ps.35:1-28; 52:1-9).
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