HARVESTING AND HARNESSING THE HERITAGE (Harvesting The Heritage Of The Heathen ) – Day 2

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Theme:          HARVESTING AND HARNESSING THE HERITAGE Texts:              Exo.6:8; Ps.6:15; 111:5-6; Acts 20:29-32

 As earlier stated, the teachings of this exercise are about recognizing/identifying and utilizing what belongs to us (heritage, inheritance, birthright)

We have shown that heritage/inheritance has to do with a possession; something occupied, heirship, a patrimony.

The English definition of “inherit” is “a legal transmission of property after death; receive (money, property or a title) as an heir at the death of the previous holder.” But in the Hebrew Bible, the words often translated “inherit” mean more generally “take possession”. The Greek word in the New Testament does not refer to the dispensation of property after death, but its use does reflect the Old Testament background more than normal Greek usage. We mentioned the 3 classes of inheritance viz Positional, Practical and Perpetual.

We proceeded to examine “The Haggle over Heritage” in which profane Esau despised his birth right and suffered the loss of the associated blessing; and Pharez who broke through at parturition got a place in the lineage of the Lord Jesus. The fate of Reuben likewise teaches on the possibility of loss of the privilege of birthright (Gen.49:1-4). We concluded with the positional heritage of being kings and priests unto God: stating our kingly authority and priestly duties of keeping the fire burning, making sacrifices to God, teaching others and diagnosing.

Today, we shall be considering:

Topic: Harvesting The Heritage Of The Heathen  Subtext: Ps.111:1-6,9-10

The word ‘heathen’ which came from the Hebrew word ‘gowy or ‘goy’ (Pron. go’-ee) means foreign nations, a gentile, people. It refers to a people or nation with overtones of territorial or governmental unity/identity. And “heritage” (nochalah [pron.nath-al-aw]) means something inherited; concretely a heir loom; generally an estate; patrimony or portion, possession, property. The word stresses a possession to which one has received the legal claim.

The verb “harvest” means ‘to gather in (a crop)’, to obtain (the result of action or behavior).

So our message is about obtaining the possession of the nations. This is not suggestive of coveting the possession of others, but rather following the truth and trusting the Lord for superlative breakthroughs that will grant access into wealth available for men.

Psalm 111 is one of the acrostic psalms i.e. the first sentence begins with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and the second sentence begins with the second letter and so on.

It is a Psalm of thanksgiving relaying the great deeds of the Lord  unto His covenanted people (Ps.111:2-6,9,10). The reference of the writer cuts across the notable signs in Egypt (Exo.3:8,14-22; Ps.78:43-52) dividing of the Rea Sea (Exo.14:27-31), providing food daily in the wilderness (Exo.16:11-16) and handing over a fruitful fertile land occupied by different but united nations for centuries to the Israelites (Deut.4:38; 6:10-12; Ps.78:55, 105:44 cp. Ex. 3:20-22, Gen. 15:14).

The Lord being the original Owner of the land, had promised Abram that his seed would be given the land at a time when the iniquity of the current inhabitants got full (Ps.24:1; Gen.15:14-18). The same Lord also warned His people who were given to inherit the land to stay away from the sins of the Amorites lest the land also spue them out (Lev.18:28; 20:22).

Therefore, the basis of taking and thriving in the heritage of the heathen is obedience to the terms of the covenant (Ps.111:5,9,10, Deut. 28:1-14, Gen. 17:6-11, ).

In our present day, the heritage of the heathen (nations) covers all the goodies that people enjoy though they may not be God’s children viz health, wealth, success in career, family life, etc.

It is God’s will that His children enjoy these blessings of His (Exo.15:26; Lev.26:3-10; Deut.28:1-4, 6-12; 8:11-19; Isa.33:24; Matt.8:17; 6:33; 3Jn.2).

There is a provision for divine movement of wealth into the coffers of kingdom-minded saints for end time gospel work (Ps.28:8; Eccl.2:26).

Saints that are willing to engage in intensive investment into kingdom projects shall be given the access and keys to open the store houses (Ps.75:6,7; Isa.45:1-3).

These can come in form of revelations, actionable ideas, contacts, favour, opportunities, connections, divine announcement and guidance, etc.

The scripture says “The BLESSING OF THE LORD, it maketh rich and He addeth no sorrow (painful toil) with it” (Pro.10:22).

Accepting this truth and aligning with it through setting in motion strategies to change level for the kingdom’s sake, will lead to the harvest (Judg. 6:12-14).

There is divine PROVISION for every divine VISION!        

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