Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 011222- (HARVESTING AND HARNESSING THE HERITAGE)


Theme:   HARVESTING AND HARNESSING THE HERITAGE Texts:        Ex.6:8; Ps.61:5, 111:5-6, Acts20:29-32

 Welcome to the last First Fruits Fasting Exercise of the year 2022. It is good we briefly  reflect on the apostolic declaration that powered the year, viz., “There shall be episodes of joy touching episodes of joy.” Our locations recorded a remarkable spike in the incidence of supernatural manifestations among the brethren. And the Crossover night rhema declared, “It shall be alright.”, assuring us of a positive outcome of all challenges. And so has it been!

Our December first fruits, message bothers on identifying/recognizing and utilizing our heritage/inheritance/birth right (ct. Lk. 19:41,42,44)

From our texts, we can see the Lord (in Ex. 6:8), Who “remembered” His covenant with Abraham, telling Moses that He would give the promised land to the Israelites as an “heritage” (Heb. Morashah, [Pron. Mo-raw-shaw], meaning a possession); In Ps.61:5, 111:5-6, we see the mention of the “heritage” (Heb. Yerushah, [pron. Yer-oosh-shaw], meaning “something occupied; a conquest; also, a patrimony,”) of those that fear the Lord and of the heathen, respectively. And in Acts 20:32, we see the mention of inheritance (GK. Klērǒnǒmia [pron. Klay-rom-om-eé-ah] meaning heirship, ie (concr.) a patrimony or generally a possession) among all those who are sanctified (ie set apart for God’s purpose – believers).

The message shall come under the following sub-headings:

  1. Haggle Over Heritage
  2. Harvesting The Heritage of the Heathen
  3. Harnessing The Heavenly Heritage

Topic: The Haggle Over Heritage Sub-texts: Gen. 25:20–34; 38:26–30

 Our subtexts speak of the sale of birthright (heritage) by Esau and the “struggle” for heritage by Pharez. The testimonies that followed these characters are instructive of the importance of birthright. Inheritance is a concept by which the human project is sustained and rejuvenated (Gen.1:26,  Isa. 46:10; Prov. 13:22; 19:14).

The Hebrew words translated “inheritance” didn’t necessarily presuppose a death, they could be used in reference to God’s granting of the land to Israel.

The Promised Land was frequently referred to as Israel’s heritage from God (Ex. 6:8, Jos. 1:5, Ps. 16:6, 135:12). Children are regarded as a heritage from God (Ps. 127:3). The Law and God’s protection are also called a heritage (Ps. 54:17). In fact, anything given by God can be called an inheritance (Ps. 16:5, 119:111, Pro. 3:35).

In ancient Israel, possessions were passed to the living sons of a father, with the first son (who bears the brunt of opening the matrix as well as the consequences of parental ignorance in child management) enjoying the birth right, and having a double portion of shared assets/resources (Deut. 21:17). The birthright goes with the father’s authority/dominion (Gen. 49:3, Deut. 21:15-17, cp. 2 Chro. 21:1-4).

Incest denied Reuben the right (Gen. 35:22, 49:4, 1 Chro. 5:1), while profanity made Esau to surrender his to Jacob (Gen. 25:29–34, Heb. 12:16).

The fates of Esau and Reuben are instructive of the need to put value on what is divinely valued (Hos. 4:6, Ps. 49:12,20), and the appearance of Pharez in the Lord’s genealogy supports the concept of the invaluableness of birthright (Gen. 38:26–30, Matt. 1:3). Therefore, no one can afford to be ignorant of his heritage, as the consequences can be calamitous (Gen. 25:30-34, 27:33–38, Rom. 8:16,17, Gal.3:13-18, 1 Pt.2:1-10, Rev. 1:5,6, 5:9,10).

Subsequently, we shall be looking at the “heritage of the heathen” and “the heavenly heritage.”


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