THE CHANGER OF THE COURSE OF LAWS – (Emancipation From Exerting Empirical Laws) – 030523 – Day 3

Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 030523- (THE CHANGER OF THE COURSE OF LAWS)                    WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                    FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    MAY 2023 EDITION   Day 3 Theme:       THE CHANGER OF THE COURSE OF LAWS          Texts:         Est. 3:5-6, 8-11, 13-15; 8:7-17; Dan.6:1-23 Topic:         EMANCIPATION FROM EXERTING EMPIRICAL LAWS Subtexts:    Matt.8:23-27, 14:14-21, Rom.7:18-24

We have defined the various applicable shades of meaning of Law namely A system of rules that regulates actions of members enforced by imposition of penalties; and a descriptive generalization about how some aspects of the natural world behaves under stated circumstances; or a relationship between cause and effect; or a statement of what occurs in nature, as found by observation or experiment to be true.

Our theme shows that the Lord is able to conveniently interfere with the operations of these laws: be it the scientific/natural variety or the human variety.

Yesterday, we focused on repealing the unfavourable human variety which are laws of men that run contrary to God’s will. We captured plans/decisions/resolves in the mind of man to hurt us, under this variety. And we concluded that faith in the finished work at Calvary will bring us under the Blessing of Abraham (Gal.3:13,14) and that fervent prayers from a faith filled heart will repeal the repugnant laws.

Today, we are exploring Emancipation (deliverance) from Exerting (influencing) Empirical (measurable, sensual) Laws.

From our texts, the apostles were threatened by natural forces (wind and waves) which were the evidence of an operating law, and the Lord Jesus demobilized them. The Lord supernaturally multiplied food (an inanimate substance). And Apostle Paul lamented about an operating force or working principle within him that did push him to act contrary to his desire (Rom.7:20-24).

The surplus supply amidst scarcity is the evidence of the Lord’s control over economic laws, while the silencing of the storm confirms the Master’s authority over the elements and forces of nature. This truth was buttressed by His walk upon water, disabling the law of gravity and principles of floatation (Matt.14:22-32). He rubbished the principles of death as He raised back to life several dead people (Matt.9:18-24, 11:5, Lk.7:12-15, Jn.11:14, 39-44; 5:21).

  1. NB. Diseases and sickness also run by some physiological laws, so when removed, the empowering laws are spurned.

The Lord also gave authority to His disciples to do as He did (Matt.10:8, Jn.20:21, Mk.16:17-20, Matt.28:18,20 cp. Acts 3:1-9, 8:5-8, 9:32-34, 36-41, 14:8-11, 19:11-12).

The disciple must appreciate that he has the backing of the Master and has been equipped to freeze unfriendly exerting laws, by the Power that works in him (Eph.1:18-20,22, 3:4-11).

Let the sinner repent and be reconciled to the Lord (Hos.12:6, 10:12, Job.22:21-29) and get ready for his miracle. Let the saint trust the Lord for his own miracles coupled with the transformation into an enlightened dispenser of blessings and agent of change. You can change the negative/unfavourable trajectory of the challenges that come your ways and those of neighbours by faith in Christ (Mk.11:23,24)

Rise to exercise your franchise.

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