Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 010523- (THE CHANGER OF THE COURSE OF LAWS)                                  WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                  FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    MAY 2023 EDITION   Day 1 Theme:       THE CHANGER OF THE COURSE OF LAWS          Texts:         Est. 3:5-15, 8:7-17, Dan.6:1-23  We are still basking under the propelling power of the era: Crossing over and crossing over, in the age of awesome amazement. The tide of this period has been high and the storm has been strong, but the Captain of the ship, the Master of every situation has been there for us. This time around, we shall briefly explore the ability of the Changer of the course of laws, and appropriate the revelations. In our texts, a death sentence had been passed by law for all Jews in the empire (Medo-Persian) on a given date; and the Lord set up His machinery that thwarted its execution. Secondly, also in the Medo Persian empire, a mortal that accepted the ignoble honour to stand as God for a month, passed a law against Daniel; the course was also frustrated by the Lord. In this introductory piece, we shall explain laws and their operations, defining the term and discussing the subject matter. (A)    DEFINITIONS OF LAW The subject matter of law is very broad as the term is composite. There are various definitions in different aspects of life, some of which are not applicable. For example in the Bible: The law is the precepts contained in the Pentateuch (Matt. 5:17; Rom.3:28; 7:7; 1Cor.9:20). This definition is not applicable in the context of our message. Legally, law can be defined as:
  1. The system of rules which a particular community or country recongnizes as regulating the actions of its members, and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.
  2. A rule defining correct procedure or behavior in a sport
In Science, law can be defined as:
    1. A descriptive generalization about how some aspects of the natural world behaves under stated circumstances.
    2. A relationship between cause and effect, or a statement of what occurs in nature, as found by observation or experiment to be true. E.g Law of supply and demand; law of gravitation; laws of motion (action and reaction are equal and opposite; Acceleration happens when a force acts on an object’s mass).
(B)    THE DETAILS ON LAWS  The creation (the existing universe) is about getting something out of nothing and establishment of law and order. In other words, there are forces which operate in a particular empirical manner that keep the universe going. At the beginning of time, a law was promulgated to generate something out of nothing (Gen. 1:1, 2:3). The Hebrew word Bárá (baw-raw) translated created is a feat carried out only by God as it entails bringing out something out of nothing (a non-existent material). In the visible realm, laws were established to bring about systems and order (Gen.1:2-4, 6-8). The maintenance of the established laws makes for life and its sustenance while the breakage of the laws makes for disorder, disease, devastation and death (Gen.1:20,22,24,27-30, 2:4-9,15-17, Deut.5:33, 6:2,18,24, 28:15-18, 1Cor.11:27-31) For the sake of our message, we shall see the laws in two shades viz (i) Principles or Practical inherent working effect/ability or operational laws (Roms. 7:18-23) (ii) Prescriptions or instructional laws (Gens. 2:17, Ex. 20:1-5). It should be understood that man made in God’s image received the acumen to act like his Maker to establish a society, hence the prescription or enactment of laws for order in the society – prescriptions (Pro.4:2-6,20). Man also possesses the inherent ability to set in motion laws that yield independent results (cons. Pro. 18:21 cp. Mk.11:23). However, such laws can be good or evil, favourable or unfavourable, profitable or unprofitable. Now, while the Creator respects His laws and honours the legitimate man-made-ones, He is not bound by any. In other words, while He works by laws/principles, He is at liberty to abrogate or change any law (with a superior one), having known the end from the beginning (Isa.46:10, 1Sam.2:30, Jer.18:7-10, Matt.5:17, Heb.7:17-19, 8:4-7, 10). The Lord has pre-knowledge of the performance of all laws, and knows at what point that He will replace or remove them (Rom.8:20-21, 29,31). He also knows all the laws that man will enact (both good and evil), and has antidotes for the evil ones (Lam.3:27). The Lord Jesus, the express Image of God, respected natural laws, but at necessary times froze them (cons. Matt.3:13-16, Mk.6:47-50; cp. Acts 8:37-39); and so also did He to the prescriptions (Matt.5:17, Mk.2:23-28). The Lord is the Changer of the course of laws and is set to change those unfavourable ones promulgated against you (Rom.8:31-33)    
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