FELICITATING THE FINGER OF GOD (The Ways Of God) – 010623 (Day 1)

Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 010623- (FELICITATING THE FINGER OF GOD)                       WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                       FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    JUNE 2023 EDITION   Day 1 Theme:       FELICITATING THE FINGER OF GOD          Texts:         Exo.8:16-19; Lk.11:14-20

Welcome to the sixth month of the year loaded with divine promises to propel watchmen through the foreseen challenges unto the state of joy that will beget the march of praise. Matured believers know that patience is an essential Christian quality and an indispensable ingredient in the realization of divine promises (Heb.6:12).

The believer is provided with instruments of successful earthly living amongst which is the word of God contained in the scriptures and or declared by oracles of God (Eph.6:11-13, 16-17; 1Pt.4:11).

Our texts pertain to events in which the finger of God was announced. When the sorcerers of Egypt could no longer contest with Moses, they declared that Moses’ feat was the finger of Elohiym. The Hebrew word etsba translated finger means something to seize with that is, ‘something to hold suddenly and forcibly with. It originally has to do with dipping into something with a harsh grating noise. And from the Lord’s statement, the finger of God by which He cast out devils and did wonderful works is THE POWER OF GOD (Lk.11:20).

To felicitate’ means to offer congratulations to, to commend, compliment, salute, praise, rejoice with.

The exposition of our message shall come under the following topics: Day 1: The Ways of God Day 2: The Wound of God’s Son Day 3: The Working of God’s Finger.

Topic: THE WAYS OF GOD Subtexts: Isa.55:8-9; Rom.11:33

The Hebrew word ‘Derek’ translated “ways” means a road (as trodden), figurative of a course of life or mode of action. The Greek word ‘hodos’ was used which means a road; by implication a progress (the route, act or distance); figuratively a mode or means.

The phrase: “ways of God” covers the mode or means, or route by which God operates. The Lord in Isaiah said that they are superlatively superior to men’s. Apostle Paul under inspiration described them as past finding out i.e. unfathomable and untraceable.

The appreciation of the limitless nature of God makes it easier to see the infiniteness of His methods, modes, and means of doing things. The exclusive tripod nature of the Godhead which no creature shares (i.e. the Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence) makes all things possible with Him (Lk.1:36,37; Matt.19:25,26; Zech.8:1-6; Jer.32:17;Job 42:1-2; Gen18:11-14).

It was by this incredible and immeasurable ability that unimaginable phenomena were conducted, like the ubiquitous word of God becoming a limited Son of God after condensing into a foetus  in the womb of a mortal virgin (Jn.1:1-4, 14; Phil.2:5-8; Lk.1:30-37, 41-45, Matt.1:18-25).

It was by this ability that the vast unexplored universe was made. If the Lord could conduct unimaginable feats, there is no imaginable desire (as long as it is not unrighteous) that the El-Shaddai cannot meet (Gen.22:6-8,11-13, Jer.32:17,27, Eph.3:20).

Elohiym is not limited to using any mode of operation. He can use spirits (including Satan and his cohorts) as well as men (1Kgs.22:1-23; Heb.1:7, 14); He uses beasts as well as birds (Num.23:15-32; 1Kgs.17:1-6); and fishes are not exempted (Jonah 1:7-17). All things are His agents, and can be used to accomplish His purpose (Rom.8:28).

With the Adonai, delays, denials, disappointments, deprivations/losses and deaths can be precursors/harbingers of peace, divine positioning, promotion, prosperity, and other pleasant goodies (Gen.13:8-11, 14-17, 1Sam.9:1-27; 10:1-11, Jn.16:7).

The appreciation of the incomprehensible dynamics of God’s operation will make a believer to always be of high spirit, positive and rest assured that victory is  always his (Rom.8:29; Phil.4:6,8).

The understanding of the truth that God had known all things that will transpire on the earth from its conception, will make a child of God give thanks and praise ahead of the manifestation of his hope; for the ways of God are unfathomable (Jer.29:11, Rom.11:33).

Let us rise up to pray and thank the Lord for all challenges for they are precursors of divine enrichment.

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