FELICITATING THE FINGER OF GOD (The Wound Of God’s Son) – 020623 – Day 2

Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 020623- (FELICITATING THE FINGER OF GOD)                          WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                        FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    JUNE 2023 EDITION   Day 2 Theme:       FELICITATING THE FINGER OF GOD          Texts:         Exo.8:16-19; Lk.11:14-20

Yesterday, we saw that the sorcerers of Egypt recognized the superlative feat of Moses as a manifestation of the grabbing unchallengeable appendage of Elohiym: and that the Lord Jesus used the term ‘finger of God’ for the Power of God working with Him. Therefore, our theme has to do with congratulating, praising, commending the Power of God.

Then, it was shown that the ways of God (His mode, means, routes of operation) are unfathomable; that His exclusive nature makes it so. Therefore, the believer should always be up-beat in spirit and never flummoxed when things appear not to be working as expected, because He that successfully conducted unimaginable feats, can more easily accomplish our imaginable desires (Jn.1:1-5, 14, Matt.19:26).

Today, to prepare you for the realm of habitual felicitation, we shall be considering the following message:

Topic:         THE WOUND OF GOD’S SON Subtexts:  Isa.53:4-5, Zech.12:10, Jn.20:26-28

The Prophet Isaiah had a deep revelation of the ministry of the Messiah: from His birth to the cross and even to the second advent and His millennial reign (Isa.2:1-5, 6,7, 11:1-9)

Our subtext from the book of Isaiah is a revelation of His accomplishment at Calvary where He was wounded for our transgressions.

The Hebrew word Chȃlal (pronounced khaw-lal) translated wounded means “To bore” ie by implication to wound, to dissolve. That word was figuratively used for “to profane (a person, place or thing)” as in Lev.21:9. So it means to pollute, defile as in acts of harlotry, violation of one’s father’s bed (Gen.49:4) etc.

Therefore, the wound of the Messiah cuts across the physical piercing of His body until death to the dastardly spiritual defilement that our transgressions brought upon Him, such that He became sin (2Cor.5:21, 1Pt.2:21-24, 1Jn.3:5 cp. Jn.1:1-5, 10-14, Matt.27:29,33-35, 45-51). The said transgression (Heb pasha [pronounced peh-shah] ) means a revolt (moral, religious etc). it signifies willful deviation from, and therefore rebellion against the path of godly living (Amos 2:4). It covers failure in responsibilities in all aspects of life [Gen.31:36-42]; negative actions against fellows [Amos 1:3).etc.

The unequivocal importance of the piercings on the Messiah is buttressed by the eternal retention of their marks (scares) on His body even after the operation of the perfecting and glorifying resurrection power (Jn.20:26,27, Zech.12:10).

The physical torture that His mortal body was subjected to and the excruciatingly crushing  burden that sin created in an immaculate heart which made the Embodiment of meekness cry out for mercy, constitute the sure keys to justification unto righteousness for the penitent (Rom.3:24, 5:16-18, Isa.53:10,11) and judgment without mercy for the complacent (Heb.2:1-3, 10:25-27).

This unequalled offering of the Messiah is the basis for the all-round and unreserved prosperity of the believer (2Cor.8:9, Gal.3:13,14, 3Jn.2 cp Eccl.2:26, Pro.28:18, 13:22b, Ps.111:6).

Who is there that feels that he needs more of the dividends of Calvary, let him rise up to ask from the Lord and declare his desired status (Matt.7:7-8, Mk.11:23,24)?


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